Activities for the volunteer team and youth
Name on the special exercises in this project, please register, please fill in the following link: Registration link
Bunyan Leaders
The youth are the corner stone of present and the power of future and they are considered the pillar on which society depends for thriving. They have super powers and diverse capabilities. Out foundation works on redirection of energies and rehabilitation of youth by supplying them with many training sets for capacity building and skills sharpening
Activities and exercises
The exercises that you provide
From an idea to a screen
Considering the variation in the intellectual and occupational tendencies of our voluntary team, embracing technology was inevitable. The idea was to provide interested people with the academic methods of scientific content preparation for purposeful videos scripts. It starts with the idea identification followed by card designing for the awareness program and ends with the final script editing
The reading Club
Taking advantage of the available majors owned by Bunyan voluntary team members, the reading club was established where books of different topics are read and discussed in a monthly assembly of our readers. The diversity of specializations that the team has helps selecting and explaining the chosen books from different points of view enabling experience exchange and horizons broadening
The voluntary team training
In our foundation, we give a high priority interest in our voluntary team on whom we depend while making our achievements in our work. For that purpose, we conduct training sessions in a periodic manner, which contributes to the alleviation of their performance and the provision of needed skills that might help them keep the consistency not only in their work at the establishment but also in their professional life
Some examples on the training that we conduct:
1. Mental calculation training (trainer of mental calculation coaching) :
we needed to train some children on mental calculation when we trained some voluntary team members on how to implement this content to children. As a result the voluntary team could convey the training to children.
2. Labor market entrance training :
It includes sessions on how to write your own CV and cover letter – job interviews preparation – TOEFL exam preparation – surveys designing
Soft skills
We should all have specific experience and skills for improving ourselves and way of thinking. Additionally, we should continuously acquire up-to-date knowledge that might help advancement in our social and professional life. Consequently, we have been conducting training sessions about: communication skills, presentation skills, thinking skills
Let's keep in touch
:Our Centers
The headquarter in Nasr City: Hafez Ramadan Street, a branch of Ahmad Fakhry street
The First Settlement: the ninth neighborhood, next to the housing and building bank, villa no415
The Sixth of October: Vodafone square, mall El-Sewedy
El-Obour city: the first district, next to Mecca mall
Helwan: the crossroads of Zaki Ali Reyadh Street, in front of Atwa pharmacy
:Our phone numbers
The relief program: 01093935549
The educational program: 01021662411
Media department: 01557648477
Gheras project: 01095159228
Our working hours:
From 10 am to 5 pm: from Sunday to Thursday